Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Day of Pre-K!

Here are some pictures from Jada's first day of pre-K. Will you look at how big my baby is getting?

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Happy Birthday Grandpa!

...I mean, um, Tim! Ha! Sunday, July 27th was my brother Tim's birthday. I know, I know, I am about a week late in posting this, but this week we have experienced major computer problems so, of course, blogging was out of the question. Anyway, our family and Kendra's family celebrated with Tim at Bucca di Beppo, and it was fabulous! No matter what the occasion is we always have a great time when we can all get together. Now, an ode to the birthday boy:

Dear Tim,
We haven't always seen eye to eye. In fact, there was very little we seemed to agree on when we were growing up. For instance, your taste in clothes, your haircut (or lack thereof in the 80's), the music you listened to, the list goes on an on. Aside from that, boy did you like to pester me! You would hold my Cabbage Patch dolls for ransom, lock me in the basement just for kicks, and as I got older, you would scare my boyfriends away with your creepy gothic ways. Those are just to name a few. Then, of course, there was the whole "adoption" story you would tell me from time to time. We won't go there. Aside from all the torment, there was a lot that I actually learned from you. For example, I learned what rigor mortis was (the band, not the physical state), how to do a figure four leg lock (you do know that wrestling is fake, right?), how to mosh in a mosh pit, and I even learned to develop an appreciation for Nascar. Okay, scratch that last one. I will never get it. Ever. There were even times you were actually nice like when you would reluctantly play barbies with me (although most of your time was spent decapitating them), you attended all my dolls birthday parties I would throw, you always ate my blueberry muffins...even the ones that landed on the floor ( I know you're laughing right now), you even let me put mousse in your hair when I thought it should be cut above your ears and not hang over them for the sake of looking like a headbanger (I know it was just to go swimming in Mandy's pool). Oh, and I will never forget the time you got me out of trouble at school when I was a wee little first grader who got sent to the principal's office for saying that unkind word. Once I told Ms. Hatcher you were the one who taught it to me the heat was totally taken off me. You really saved my bacon that day. Hey, it worked at home, why wouldn't it work at school too? By the way, if I never thanked you for that or apologized I am doing it now. Better late than never, right? Anyway, we certainly had our share of ups and downs, but through it all deep down (sometimes deeper than others) I was always glad that you were my brother. Happy birthday brother man, I hope your year is filled with all the things you love the most. Oh, and I love you. There. I said it.

I love this picture...looks like we actually got along!

Friends at last.

Jada and her favorite aunt and uncle.

Tim and Kendra (his best decision ever!)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Beach Blog!

It is hard to believe that it has already been over a month since we returned from our beach vacation. (Sigh.) We went to Myrtle Beach this summer which is a favorite vacation spot for our family and is full of lots of fun memories. Typically in years past we have vacationed with our parents, but this year we decided to head out just the three of us. Now, don't get me wrong, vacationing with extended family is great, and there are so many benefits that come along with that when you have a little one, but as many of you know we don't have the most "normal" life so this was a wonderful way to bond as a family. We had such a great time! Our day would usually begin with sand castle building on the beach followed by dips in our resort's swimming pool and cruises around the lazy river (Jada's favorite). At some point in the afternoon we would make our way to the Italian Ice stand located at our resort and slurp icees while we lounged by the pool. It was heaven! Occasionally Jada would meet up with another kiddo in the lazy river so Jason and I could actually lay out together. It all worked out really nice. At night we would typically make our way to Broadway at the Beach which is a huge place filled with restaurants, shops, an Imax theater, a movie theater, miniature golf courses--basically something for everyone. It is so big that you could go every night and still find something new to do. Our days would end with, of course, "slumber parties" in the hotel room followed by waking up to do it all over again. It was a blast. We laughed a lot, ate a lot, and spent a lot, and we can't wait to do it again!

I put together this little slide show of some pictures I managed to take while we were there. I had good intentions of getting some great family beach photos (Jada and I even had matching white dresses), but I am not kidding, we had hurricane winds every day that we were there. It didn't matter what time of day we were out the wind was unbelievable! Day after day, we made our way out to the beach all dressed up, much to Jason's dismay, trying to get a good beach photo. It just didn't work out too well. I did get some precious ones of Jada, but the ones with me in them either my dress was blown up over my head or there was a beach wanderer out in their tiniest bikini who managed to walk by just as the picture was being taken. Not a good back drop I can assure you. So here's what we got, and I hope you enjoy them anyway!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Tee Ball Time!

I know it has been a while since I last updated my blog, and honestly, I started this post back on June 14th which was the date of Jada's first tee ball game, and I just never found the time to finish it. So my goal today is to actually get this post finished and published for all my loyal readers out there... all five of you that is--ha! Anyway, tee ball is going great! It is the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life, and Jada is having so much fun! We are too! The kids are hilarious. Of course, they all get excited when it is their turn to bat, but when it is time for them to play the field they completely lose interest. Balls are whizzing right past them all the while they are making mud pies, wearing their gloves as hats, picking up the bases so they can check out what's underneath, picking their noses...the list goes on and on. I have to brag and say that Jada is quite the little player. Her very first hit sailed through the park, and although I was taping it in hopes of posting it here, I got so excited that I completely lost focus of what I was doing and ended up getting footage of the ground instead of how far she hit the ball! Jada has been dubbed as the team's "secret weapon"--she is quiet and sweet but packs a pretty mean punch out on that tee ball field! The pictures I am posting were all taken at her first game. I have to warn you, they are precious!

waiting in the dug-out

Batter up!
a quick smile from third base
looking serious in the outfield

**Next up, Beach Blog!**

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Slumber party in Lexington!

Since Jason started flying for Net Jets back in January his stops have typically been somewhere on the West coast or other exotic locations such as Los Cabos in Mexico or Boca Raton, to name a couple. Much to my surprise, I received a phone call from him one morning telling me that his final stop for the evening was going to be in Lexington. "Lexington, Kentucky??", I believe was my response. When he confirmed, I quickly pulled out an overnight bag and was overjoyed at not only the thought of seeing Jason (it had been close to a week at that point), but checking out his airplane, eating good food, and staying in a nice hotel...all on Net Jet's nickel! Now, I know it was only Lexington, but I have not been away in quite some time so it could have been downtown Louisville, and I would have been happy! Anyway, I got everything packed and told Jada the exciting news (she loooooves to stay in hotels) when my cell phone rings again, and it was Jason telling me that the plans had changed, and they were flying somewhere else for the night instead. Bummer. So, I get unpacked, break the news to Jada and go about my day. About an hour or so later, Jason calls again and tells me his trip to Lexington is back on. So, I pack again, tell Jada again, which this time she gives me one of those "I'll believe it when I see it" looks, and off we went. Typical life of a pilot, and a pilot's wife I must add. You never know what your day is going to hold. We were like hamsters in a wheel that day--packing, unpacking, packing again, going in circles and getting nowhere. Anyway, we did finally make it to Lexington. We actually got to meet his airplane on the runway which was really cool. I love to watch Jason fly. From the very first flight lesson he took years ago until now I still get the same feeling of excitement and pride when I watch him fly. His airplane was awesome! The pictures I have posted hardly do it justice. It's definitely the way to travel if one could afford it. As Jason was finishing all of his post flight duties, Jada and I waited inside the airport with all the other "big shots" who were waiting for their private jets to whisk them away to who knows where. They were all dressed up sipping their champagne when Jada felt the need to point out all the people with big bellies and big "tooshies"! I was mortified. It was funny, but mortifying at the same time. It's something how it doesn't matter how much money someone clearly has or how nicely they are dressed, a big tooshie is a big tooshie and kids will just call it as they see it! We are working on her using a little more discretion, by the way. The rest of our night was wonderful. We ate at a restaurant called De Sha's, and then went to our hotel so the "slumber party", as Jada calls it whenever we are all sleeping together, could begin. It's funny because she is the only one who typically sleeps at these slumber parties! She had a ball. She got to jump on the bed, which is typically forbidden at home, we made silly faces and took pictures, none of which will be posted here, ate junk food, and stayed up late watching t.v.. Then she crashed and was fast asleep. The next morning we headed home, and yes dad, it was by way of Elizabethtown! For those of you who live locally, you know I went way out of my way. I somehow missed the 64 exit, maybe because I was talking on my cell phone, and I ended up taking the longest way home possible. For those of you who read my "100 things about me" post, #31, this should come as no surprise. Anyway, I made it home. Even if it took me an extra hour! Whatever. Hope you enjoy the pictures from our little trip!

Jason's airplane, the Citation X.

There's not much that will come between a little
girl and her daddy! Jada's feet aren't even touch-
ing the ground!

Jada found the candy drawer on the airplane!

My two favorite people.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

School's out!!

It's hard to believe that Jada has already completed her first year of preschool. I can only imagine how I will be feeling this time next year when her preschool days are over and we are gearing towards kindergarten...I am going to be a COMPLETE MESS!! The photos above were taken on her first day of school back in September (left) and again on the last day (right). Look at how much my baby grew in just nine months! Boy, do little girls grow up fast! Here are a couple more pictures taken that day...

Jada with her teachers and another classmate

Jada and her BFF Saige

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Tag...I'm it!!

I was recently tagged (thanks Amy!) to write a hundred things about myself. This could be really boring so feel free to scroll down to a previous post or just wait for a new one! For those of you who are interested, here goes...

  1. I was born and raised in Louisville, Ky.
  2. My parents are MaDonna and Rex.
  3. I have an older brother named Tim.
  4. We are four years apart.
  5. He tormented me as a child!
  6. When I was little he told me I was adopted.
  7. I believed him.
  8. I am pretty gullible at times!
  9. Tim is one of the funniest people I know...
  10. except when it's at my expense!
  11. I have a sister-in-law named Kendra (Tim's wife).
  12. I couldn't have picked a better person for my brother.
  13. I broke my pelvis when I was 13 during cheerleading.
  14. I still favor it to this day.
  15. It was the first and only bone I have ever broken.
  16. I was a cheerleader for ten years (ages 8-18).
  17. I still miss it!
  18. I have been married to Jason over 13 years now.
  19. We initially met when I was only ten.
  20. I rode the school bus, and Jason was a safety patrol over my bus line.
  21. He had a girl in his class ask me if I liked him. I said no. Ouch!
  22. But...two years later, I was OBSESSED with Jason!
  23. I used to come home every day from school and tell my mom what he was wearing that day...all the way down to his matching socks!
  24. I used to beg my mom to drive me by his house to see if I could catch a glimpse of him.
  25. I was a bit of a stalker back then!
  26. Jason made my year by asking me to our school's annual homecoming banquet.
  27. I was so nervous, I didn't utter two words that night!
  28. I got us lost trying to get me home.
  29. I wore big glasses back then, and of course I didn't wear them that night, so I couldn't see where we were going!
  30. I still get teased about that night. I WAS ONLY TWELVE, PEOPLE! Not to mention, BLIND!
  31. Unfortunately, my sense of direction isn't much better today.
  32. We "broke up" the following week because he decided he was too old for me!
  33. We didn't date again until I was a sophomore and he was a senior in high school.
  34. He was my first love and my first major heartbreak!
  35. I wish I knew then what I know now.
  36. I married Jason when I was only 19 and he was 21.
  37. I am glad that we have beaten the odds so far!
  38. I never thought I would be married to a pilot or a military person.
  39. Turns out, it's a great life...except for long trips and deployments to Iraq!
  40. I survived Jason going to Afghanistan last year.
  41. It was so hard watching his plane leave and not knowing when I would see or talk to him again.
  42. I love to watch Jason fly...unless it's to go to Iraq!
  43. I graduated from the University of Louisville with a BS degree in May 2001.
  44. It's one of my proudest accomplishments.
  45. I hated college.
  46. I just wanted to be a stay-at-home mom!
  47. My sweet Jada was born on our ninth wedding anniversary.
  48. She is the light of our lives!
  49. I love to dress her in long smocked dresses...
  50. and giant hair bows!
  51. I love Gymboree!
  52. I love the sound of Jada's laughter.
  53. I love to watch her when she sleeps.
  54. I hate to cook...
  55. but I can make a mean meat loaf!
  56. I am horrible about returning people's phone calls...
  57. and R.S.V.P.-ing.
  58. I would rather e-mail instead.
  59. I don't know the states on a map...Jason tells me to not admit this!
  60. I am afraid of heights,
  61. and I am closterphobic!
  62. I love to blog!
  63. I didn't think I would, but it has quickly become one of my favorite hobbies!
  64. I love to read other people's blogs, even if I don't really know them!
  65. I am a picture junkie!
  66. I love Reese Witherspoon!
  67. I love to read People Magazine.
  68. I couldn't live without concealer,
  69. I never get enough sleep!
  70. I love to eat!
  71. I LOVE chocolate!
  72. I guess it's good I also love to exercise!
  73. I once participated in a three hour aerob-a-thon. It was GRUELING!
  74. I talked Jason into doing it with me.
  75. Our prize for doing all three hours was a t-shirt.
  76. We were hoping for money.
  77. He still hasn't forgiven me for that one!
  78. My favorite music tends to be either pop or country...
  79. but when I exercise, it's always to AC/DC (Back in Black)!
  80. I love Greys Anatomy
  81. and American Idol- -Go David Cook!
  82. I love polka dots!
  83. I don't like to scrapbook.
  84. I love iced tea--half sweet and half unsweet.
  85. I don't really like cokes except for when I am eating pizza or Mexican food.
  86. I love Starbucks!
  87. Iced caramel macchiatos are my favorite!
  88. I am a Brighton floozy!
  89. I love purses!
  90. I love shoes!
  91. Target is my favorite store!
  92. I love to decorate.
  93. Fall is my favorite season.
  94. I love to go to Brown County in Nashville, In.!
  95. I love a pretty yard.
  96. I would love to live in a big southern house that sits on a lot of land...
  97. as long as I didn't have to mow it!
  98. I am very close to my mom--I couldn't function without her!
  99. I love that my dad still calls me "kiddo" even though I am thirty three!
  100. I am getting grey hair...I blame it on Jason! Ha!

Well, there it is, a hundred things about me. That was really hard! If you read all one hundred, congratulations!